Experience a journey with local trains
We reached Naruto using an express bus, but our return trip was a journey using local trains. At first, we rode the Naruto line from Naruto station.

Naruto is a famous city in Tokushima prefecture, so we expected a more modern station, but the station is really small and the Naruto line is a single car train.

Are you going to travel with your Japan Rail Pass?
You can find more information and our advices here!
We were confused, is it a really train or a bus?

It was the first time for us to see a fair box in a train that looks like one in a bus!
Instead of putting coins in, we showed our Japan rail pass.
The track gauge seemed really narrow and the train ran more slowly than a normal train. We felt like riding a bus.

Are you going to visit Shikoku
You can find more information and our advices here!
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