You are currently viewing Jagabee “shiawase butter”

A New flavour from Jagabee, the "Happy Butter"

Jagabee was our favourite snack in Japan during our last visit. We could not stand living without Jagabee, so we ordered some from Rakuten to let some Jagabees be sent to our home!

jagabee happy butter

We tried this new flavour first, “Shiawase butter“(happy butter).

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After our first bite, a sweet butter taste exploded in our mouth. This Jagabee makes us really happy! 


Foods in Japan

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Not "happy" but "a combination of 4 ingredients"?

We really had no doubt that this name “Shiawase (happy in Japanese) Butter” meant that the butter taste made people happy.

But when we checked the package, there was another information about the name.

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4 ingredients are combined=4 awase

4 in Japanese is “shi” and combined is “awase”in Japanese.

We were really astonished about this truth…

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Sweets in Japan

You can find more information and our advices here!