Try your luck at the beginning of the new year
If you are going to visit Japan in the beginning of January, we recommend you to buy some Fukubukuros.
When you can see many people waiting in a long line in cold weather in Tokyo, this line would be for Fukubukuros (lucky bags).
In a Fukubukuro, there many unknown things. You can try your luck this year with this bag. Often it is worth to buy it because it is contains that are worth more than its original price.
Are you going to travel with your Japan Rail Pass?
You can find more information and our advices here!
A pre entry ticket is needed and sometimes you need to win a lottery
Battlefield in the new year?
You can find more information and our advices here!
Lucky or unlucky?
If you want to get something special from Japan, we recommend Village van Guard.
Fukubukuros from Village van Guard are known to be the most risky lucky bag. Most of the contents in Fukubukuros from Village van Guard are so called trash.
There were so many tweets on Twitter. This year “the hawk” was the most sensational thing.
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