You are currently viewing Tsubame Grill

A patty packed in aluminium foil from Tsubame Grill

In Japan, you can eat delicious patties with sauce for a small price in a family restaurants. You have to pay more for Tsubame grill‘s patties, but it is worth it.

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This is the patty with sauce from Tsubame Grill, a Hamburg steak in Tsubame style.

Machino Parlor

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It's not for only show, the meat itself is high quality

We were excited when we opened the foil. Steam wafted out and it smelled like beef stew.

Tsubame Grill

Tsubame Grill uses no food additives. The prices in here are higher than normal family restaurants, but the quality is different.

The following dish was another patty with seasonal vegetables.

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This one had a Japanese sauce, the combination of grated Japanese radish and sauce was so delicious! 

We are meat lovers, but these fresh vegetables had an intense taste and were as delicious as the patty itself.


Foods in Japan

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