You are currently viewing Laikanok Kitasenjyu from Kodoku no Gourmet

Episode 11 in season 2 of Solitary Gourmet

Goro san visited this restaurant in Kitasenju in season 2, so the episode about this restaurant was broadcasted almost 7 years ago.

We checked almost all episodes of Kodoku no Gurume (Solitary Gourmet), but this episode was very impressive. So we indeed had to visit this restaurant.

Solitary Gourmet

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It is not easy to find this restaurant

We recommend to use google maps when you visit this restaurant. For us, it was really hard to reach this restaurant, but it was worth a visit!


We ordered what Goro san ate, they were chicken noodles without any soup. It was so yummy! This dish had a so intensive taste, try it indeed!

It was our first time to try a Thai tea.  It was so sweet, but a wonderful combination with hot dishes. You should order this drink, if you want to try very hot dishes.  

Machino Parlor

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Everything was so good until the dessert

We were about to explode, because we ate so many dishes before the dessert. We think that the Laikanok is not an authentic Thai foods restaurant, but a real Thai foods restaurant, maybe.

Another side of Kitasenju station is good for a walk

After eating, we took a walk in Kitasenju. Goro san also visited this park in this episode, we think.

The octopus slide looked so funny!

It was a very sunny and hot day, but we could not stop walking around this town. If you want to get in touch with a downtown area in Tokyo, we recommend you to visit Kitasenju.


Foods in Japan

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